HK Daijoubu 的使命是為人們帶來靈感,以建立他們喜愛的生活。雖然如此,並非所有內容都能啟發靈感。因此,我們建立了社群準則來規範大家在 HK Daijoubu 上的行為。這些準則是我們的合理使用政策,因此如果您發現有不該出現在 HK Daijoubu 上的內容,請向我們舉報(opens in a new window)。我們會用您的舉報進行學習並提升我們的標準,並且與主題專家合作更新我們的準則,並使其更完善。
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止敵對性、限制級、錯誤或誤導性、傷害性、仇恨性或暴力的內容或行為。我們會根據此類內容造成的傷害程度,移除、限制或封鎖散佈此類內容,以及建立或傳播此類內容的帳號、個人、群組和網域。
我們承諾提供您易懂、易於遵守且清楚透明的期望準則。若您有任何疑問,或在 HK Daijoubu 遇到問題,請聯絡我們(opens in a new window)。
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止色情。我們會限制散佈或移除成人限制級內容,包括:
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止剝削他人或動物。我們會移除或限制散佈涉及使他人或動物處於傷害性風險的內容和帳號,包括性、身體或財物剝削。 這包括:
可能涉及性或身體剝削或販賣 (如性愛錄影和伴遊) 的成人性服務。
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止仇恨內容或宣傳仇恨性活動的人士或組織。我們會限制散佈或移除此類內容和帳號,包括:
基於受害者屬於弱勢族群或受保護族群而攻擊個人 (包括公眾人物)
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止傳播假消息、捏造訊息或錯誤資訊,亦不允許任何個人或群組傳播或製造此類內容。我們會移除或限制散佈可能傷害使用者或大眾健康、安全或信任感的錯誤或誤導性內容,包括:
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止侮辱、傷害或對抗個人或群眾。表達批評並非不可,但我們可限制散佈移除侮辱性內容,維護在 HK Daijoubu 這塊正面、啟發靈感的園地:
網路登入資訊 (使用者名稱和密碼)
如果發現有您不希望公開的照片或資訊,可透過「支援中心」與我們聯絡(opens in a new window)。您可在「舉報違反政策」下找到揭露私人資訊的選項。
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止顯示、合理化或鼓勵自殺、自我傷害、飲食失調或藥物濫用的內容。我們會限制散佈或移除此類內容,包括:
如果您或您認識的人正苦於自殺念頭或有自殘的想法,可前往我們的支援中心(opens in a new window)免費取得保密且即時的相關資源協助。
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止暴力圖像或威脅性語言。我們會限制散佈或移除此類內容,包括:
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止暴力性的內容、群組或個人。我們會限制發佈或移除鼓勵、歌頌、宣傳危險行為者或團體及其活動,或者向這些對象提供協助的相關內容和帳號。這包括:
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止交易或銷售部分管制性商品—也就是在不負責任的使用、變造或製造下可能造成傷害的產品或藥物—或者展示或鼓勵危險性活動。我們會限制散佈或移除此類內容和帳號,包括:
未經驗證、未經授權或非法 網路藥房所提供或有關的內容
製造致命武器 (如炸彈或手榴彈,含 3D 列印武器) 的說明
在 HK Daijoubu 我們禁止有害或虛偽不實的行為和產品。我們會限制散佈或移除此類內容和帳號,包括但不限於:
我們不允許以帳號冒用或謊稱與其任何個人或組織的關係。如果您擁有公眾人物或品牌的粉絲帳號或評論帳號,請透過您的使用者名稱或 HK Daijoubu 個人檔案明確表示您與他們並無正式關聯。
我們所有的社群準則都適用於對 Pin 發布的評論。此外,評論應與 Pin 內容相關。我們可能會移除違反我們準則的評論,包括含有以下內容的評論:
為同時尊重 HK Daijoubu 使用者或非使用者的權利,請您:
勿利用 HK Daijoubu 的名稱、標誌或商標造成使用者混淆 (更多詳情,請參考我們的品牌準則)。
為了保護 HK Daijoubu 平台安全,我們請您:
除授權參與 HK Daijoubu 錯誤通報外,禁止任何人破壞或規避我們的安全措施,或者測試系統或網路漏洞。
勿使用任何未經記錄或不受支援的方法來存取、搜尋、抓取、下載或變更 HK Daijoubu 的任何部分。
勿試圖干擾 HK Daijoubu 或我們的主機或網路上的人員,例如發送病毒、超載、傳送垃圾訊息或進行郵件轟炸。
未經許可,請勿從 HK Daijoubu 或向 HK Daijoubu 上的使用者收集或儲存可識別個人身份的資訊。
我們希望出現在 HK Daijoubu 上的是高品質而實用的靈感和想法,因此只要發現垃圾訊息便會將其刪除。我們希望您能為其他使用者的 HK Daijoubu 體驗著想,避免散佈垃圾訊息,也不要從事與垃圾訊息相關的行為。
請勿使用未經 HK Daijoubu 明確核准的自動化流程,包括代表您自動執行操作的未經授權服務。您可以在我們的合作夥伴網站瞭解已獲核准的合作夥伴工具。
請勿使用多個帳號,或與其他使用者合作來達到操作 HK Daijoubu 平台的目的。
請勿透過任何不道德的手法試圖不當影響分配、點擊次數或其他指標,包括:買賣互動、「填充」不相關的關鍵字、製造偽流量,或是將現有的 Pin 重新導向新的網頁目的地。
請勿試圖繞過我們的反垃圾郵件系統。例如,請勿使用重新導向來試圖連結 HK Daijoubu 平台上不允許的網站。
關於重新導向的做法,我們鼓勵您採用「無意外」原則—連結的目的地應該是 Pin 使用者能合理預期的網頁。我們可能封鎖顯示過度或欺騙性重新導向的連結,以及濫用短網址傳播垃圾訊息的連結。
我們將付費合作夥伴關係定義為 HK Daijoubu 上任何以商業合作夥伴為主或受其影響而交換數值的贊助性或品牌內容,例如商業合作夥伴是否擁有付費內容或鼓勵使用者儲存內容。
所有用於指出內容的商業性質的適用揭露聲明 (例如使用「#廣告」來指出您的內容為付費合作夥伴)。
付費合作夥伴關係必須遵守 HK Daijoubu 的廣告準則,包括其中的「禁止內容準則」和「管制性內容準則」。
例如,企業不得付費讓使用者追蹤圖版或儲存釘圖。我們可以接受企業付費讓客座部落客為他們的品牌策劃圖版,或透過每次點擊付費的付款結構 (例如聯盟連結),但企業不得付費讓一大群使用者儲存特定釘圖,以人為方式哄抬內容的熱門程度。
聯盟連結可協助內容創作者評估其貢獻的影響力,並且讓他們能夠因為其創作內容帶給使用者啟發而獲得報酬。但是聯盟計畫可能遭到意圖濫用此計畫並操縱 HK Daijoubu 平台的垃圾郵件傳送者鎖定。
一般來說,您只能使用一個 HK Daijoubu 帳號。該帳號應為您在 HK Daijoubu 上的真實形象。
公開您內容的商業性質以及您的連結與其行為。HK Daijoubu 目前不支援部分短網址服務,若您的釘圖連結遭封鎖,可以加以編輯。
請勿嘗試以人工方式操控 HK Daijoubu 演算法或使用者流量。以下為禁止行為的一些範例:
重複建立或大量建立聯盟釘圖 – 行銷人員應遵守我們的垃圾訊息政策,並適度使用聯盟連結。
我們得移除、限制散佈或封鎖違反聯盟準則的內容或帳號。若您有任何疑問,或在 HK Daijoubu 遇到問題,請聯絡我們。
請勿表示您或您的宣傳活動受到 HK Daijoubu 贊助或者背書保證。
請務必詳讀我們的品牌準則,以瞭解使用 HK Daijoubu 品牌的一般規定。
Community guidelines
Our mission
HK Daijoubu’s mission is to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. That being said, not all content is inspiring – so we have community guidelines to outline what we do and don’t allow on HK Daijoubu. These guidelines are our acceptable use policy, so if you find content that shouldn’t be on HK Daijoubu, please report it to us(opens in a new window). We use your reports to learn and evolve our standards, and work with subject matter experts to inform and update our guidelines.
Content safety
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for antagonistic, explicit, false or misleading, harmful, hateful, or violent content or behavior. We may remove, limit, or block the distribution of such content and the accounts, individuals, groups and domains that create or spread it based on how much harm it poses.
We’re committed to presenting you with clear and transparent expectations that are easy to understand and follow. If you have questions or encounter problems on HK Daijoubu, please contact us(opens in a new window).
Adult content
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for pornography. We limit the distribution of or remove mature and explicit content, including:
Fetish imagery
Vivid sexual descriptions
Graphic depictions of sexual activity
Images of nudity where the poses, camera angles, or props suggest pornographic intent
We do our best to to differentiate between pornography and other mature content. For example, you can save content about sexual health, breastfeeding, mastectomies, art, education and well-being with adult nudity given the non-pornographic context, but we may limit its distribution so people don’t run into it accidentally.
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for exploitation of people or animals. We’ll remove or limit the distribution of content and accounts involved in practices that risk harm to people or animals, including sexual, physical, or financial exploitation. That includes:
Sexualization or sexual exploitation of minors, like grooming, sexual remarks or inappropriate imagery. If we find it, we’ll report it to relevant authorities such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Non-consensual images, meaning images of a private or sexual nature obtained or published without consent. This includes revenge porn and up-skirt images.
Adult sexual services that may involve sexual or physical exploitation or trafficking, like sex cams and escort services.
Human trafficking, slavery, servitude and forced or compulsory labor.
Other illegal commercial exploitation, like trading in organs or products made from human remains or body parts.
The sale of wild animals or protected and endangered wildlife. For a full list of prohibited wildlife products, please visit our partner, the World Wildlife Fund.
Corpses, animal parts or products derived from cat or dog parts, or protected and endangered wildlife, including ivory.
Irresponsible and harmful animal tourism or otherwise exploitative practices like organized animal fighting.
Hateful activities
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for hateful content or the people and groups that promote hateful activities. We limit the distribution of or remove such content and accounts, including:
Slurs or negative stereotypes, caricatures and generalizations
Support for hate groups and people promoting hateful activities, prejudice and conspiracy theories
Condoning or trivializing violence because of a victim’s membership in a vulnerable or protected group
Support for white supremacy, limiting women’s rights and other discriminatory ideas
Hate-based conspiracy theories and misinformation, like Holocaust denial
Denial of an individual’s gender identity or sexual orientation, and support for conversion therapy and related programs
Attacks on individuals including public figures based on their membership in a vulnerable or protected group
Mocking or attacking the beliefs, sacred symbols, movements, or institutions of the protected or vulnerable groups identified below
Protected and vulnerable groups include: People grouped together based on their actual or perceived race, color, caste, ethnicity, immigration status, national origin, religion or faith, sex or gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition. It also includes people who are grouped together based on lower socio-economic status, age, weight or size, pregnancy or veteran status.
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for misinformation, disinformation, mal-information or the individuals or groups spreading or creating it. We remove or limit distribution of false or misleading content that may harm users’ or the public’s well-being, safety or trust, including:
Medically unsupported health claims that risk public health and safety, including the promotion of false cures, anti-vaccination advice, or misinformation about public health or safety emergencies
False or misleading content about individuals or protected groups that promotes fear, hate or prejudice
False or misleading content that encourages turning individuals, groups of people, places or organizations into targets of harassment or physical violence
Conspiracy theories
Content that originates from disinformation campaigns
Factual information that’s published or deliberately modified to erode trust or inflict harm, such as changing or omitting of context, date or time
Fabricated or meaningfully manipulated visual or audio content that erodes trust or causes harm
Civic participation misinformation:
False or misleading content that impedes an election’s integrity or an individual’s or group’s civic participation, including registering to vote, voting and being counted in a census
False or misleading information about the dates, times, locations and procedure for voting or census participation
Content that misleads voters about how to correctly fill-out and submit a ballot, including a mail-in ballot, or census form
False or misleading information about who can vote or participate in the census and what information must be provided to participate
False or misleading statements about who is collecting information and/or how it will be used
False or misleading information about public safety that is intended to deter people from exercising their right to vote or participate in a census
Content that encourages or instructs voters or participants to misrepresent themselves or illegally participate
Content apparently intended to delegitimize election results on the basis of false or misleading claims
Threats against voting locations, census or voting personnel, voters or census participants, including intimidation of vulnerable or protected group voters or participants
Harassment and criticism
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place to insult, hurt or antagonize individuals or groups of people. There are good reasons to express criticism, but we may limit the distribution of or remove insulting content to keep HK Daijoubu a positive, inspiring place; this includes:
Manipulated images intended to degrade or shame
Shaming people for their bodies or assumed sexual or romantic history
Sexual remarks about people’s bodies and solicitations or offers of sexual acts
Criticisms involving name-calling, profanity and other insulting language or imagery
Mocking someone for experiencing sadness, grief, loss or outrage
Private information
We don’t allow content that reveals personal or sensitive information. We remove:
Personal ID and passport information
Private contact information and addresses
Online login information (usernames and passwords)
Photos of private people that they don’t want posted online
Personal financial or medical history
If you come across unwanted photos of or information about you, you can reach out to us through our Help Center(opens in a new window). You’ll find an option for exposed private information under “Report a policy violation.”
Self-injury and harmful behavior
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for content that displays, rationalizes or encourages suicide, self-injury, eating disorders or substance abuse. We’ll limit the distribution of or remove such content, including:
Self-harm instructions
Suicidal thinking and quotes
Graphic or otherwise triggering imagery or descriptions of self-harm
Promotion of self-harm
Mocking of people who self-harm or who have attempted or died by suicide
Images of accessories used to self-harm
Negative self-talk and insensitive humor about self-harming behavior
Suicide pacts, challenges and hoaxes
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts or is considering hurting themselves, we have resources(opens in a new window) in our Help Center where you can get free, confidential and immediate support.
Graphic Violence and Threats
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for graphic violence or threatening language. We limit the distribution of or remove such content, including:
Content that shows the use of violence
Disturbing scenes from before or after violent events
Threats or language that glorifies violence
In a few cases, we allow the saving of disturbing images dedicated to remembrance and advocacy, but limit distribution of such content in public parts of the platform.
Violent actors
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for violent content, groups or individuals. We limit the distribution of or remove content and accounts that encourage, praise, promote, or provide aid to dangerous actors or groups and their activities. This includes:
Terrorist organizations
Gangs and other criminal organizations
We work with industry, government and security experts to help us identify these groups.
Dangerous goods and activities
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for trading or selling of certain regulated goods—products or substances that can cause harm when used, altered or manufactured irresponsibly—or for the display or encouragement of dangerous activities. We limit the distribution of or remove such content and accounts, including:
Individuals and unlicensed retailers offering to sell, purchase or trade alcohol, tobacco, drugs and weapons, including firearms and accessories, firearm parts or attachments, or ammunition
Content from or about unverified, unapproved or rogue online pharmacies
Offers, attempts, or instructions to bypass purchasing laws and regulation
Instructions for creating lethal or toxic substances
Instructions for creating lethal weapons, like bombs or grenades, including 3d printed weapons
Commercial sales of marijuana, marijuana products and paraphernalia
Commercial sales of certain weapons and attachments
Harmful pranks or challenges that risk imminent physical harm or extreme emotional distress, especially if showing or encouraging the participation of minors
Harmful or Deceptive Products & Practices
HK Daijoubu isn’t a place for practices and products that may be harmful or deceptive. We limit the distribution of or remove such content and accounts, including, but not limited to:
Instructions and products for hacking or breaching security measures
Online gambling and lotteries
Counterfeit documents
Privacy violating products or services
Exploitative financial practices
We don’t allow accounts that impersonate or misrepresent their affiliation with any person or organization. If you have a fan or commentary account for a public figure or brand, make it clear through your username or HK Daijoubu profile that you aren’t officially affiliated with them.
All of our Community Guidelines apply in comments posted on Pins. In addition, comments should be relevant. We may remove comments that violate our guidelines, including those that contain:
Irrelevant or non-purposeful material
Sexuallly explicit content
Self-harm content
Hateful activities
Harassment or privacy violations
Copyright or trademark infringement
Intellectual property and other rights
To respect the rights of people on and off HK Daijoubu, please:
Don’t infringe anyone’s intellectual property, privacy or other rights.
Don’t do anything or post any content that violates laws or regulations.
Don’t use HK Daijoubu’s name, logo or trademark in a way that confuses people (check out our brand guidelines for more details).
Site security and access
To protect the HK Daijoubu platform, we ask that you please:
Don’t access, use or tamper with our systems or our technical providers’ systems.
Don’t break or circumvent our security measures or test the vulnerability of our systems or networks, except as part of an authorized HK Daijoubu bug bounty program.
Don’t use any undocumented or unsupported method to access, search, scrape, download or change any part of HK Daijoubu.
Don’t try to reverse engineer our software.
Don’t try to interfere with people on HK Daijoubu or our hosts or networks, like sending a virus, overloading, spamming or mail-bombing.
Don’t collect or store personally identifiable information from HK Daijoubu or people on HK Daijoubu without permission.
Don’t share your password, let anyone access your account or do anything that might put your account at risk.
Don’t attempt to buy or sell access to your account, boards, or usernames, or otherwise transfer account features for compensation.
We want the inspiration and ideas on HK Daijoubu to be high-quality and useful, so we remove spam when we find it. We ask that you be considerate of others’ experiences on HK Daijoubu and don’t spread spam or engage in spammy behavior.
Our guidelines around spam are:
Don’t use automation that hasn’t been explicitly approved by HK Daijoubu. This includes unauthorized services that automatically perform actions on your behalf. You can find information on approved partner tools on our Partners website.
Don’t create or operate accounts that aren’t authentic, create accounts en masse, or create new accounts for the purpose of violating these guidelines.
Don’t create or save content that is repetitive, deceptive, or irrelevant in an attempt to make money. To learn how to make great Pins, you can always refer to our creative best practices.
In general, don’t attempt to make money from users or Pinner web traffic in ways that are misleading, detract from the Pinner experience, or don’t add value for users.
Don’t link to websites that are unsafe, deceptive, untrustworthy, unoriginal, or that facilitate or encourage spam. Websites should have original content that adds unique value for users.
Don’t send repeated, unsolicited messages, especially if your messages are commercial or deceptive in nature.
Don’t make repetitive or irrelevant comments. Comments should be authentic and original. We also ask that you be kind to others by keeping your commentary respectful and constructive.
Don’t operate multiple accounts or coordinate with other people with the purpose of manipulating the HK Daijoubu platform.
Don’t use any other unscrupulous tactics to attempt to improperly influence distribution, clicks, or other metrics, including: buying or selling engagement, “stuffing” irrelevant keywords, generating inauthentic traffic, or redirecting existing Pins to new destinations.
Don’t attempt to evade our anti-spam systems. For example, don’t use redirection to attempt to link to a site that is not permitted on HK Daijoubu.
With respect to redirection, we encourage you to follow a “no surprises” principle — users should be able to reasonably anticipate where your link will take them. Links that exhibit excessive or deceptive redirection, as well as shortener services that are abused for spam, may be blocked.
Paid Partnership guidelines
What is a Paid Partnership?
We define a Paid Partnership as any sponsored or branded content on HK Daijoubu that features or is influenced by a business partner for an exchange of value, such as if a business partner has paid or otherwise incentivized a user to save the content.
What are the Guidelines?
All Paid Partnerships must disclose the commercial nature of their content. In addition to abiding by the Community Guidelines, users that participate in Paid Partnerships are responsible for complying with:
All applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, all advertising Hong Kong laws and Consumer Trade Commission regulations.
All applicable disclosures required to indicate the commercial nature of your content (such as the use of #ad to indicate that your content is a Paid Partnership).
Paid Partnerships must adhere to our Advertising guidelines, including the Prohibited and Restricted content guidelines.
To prevent inauthentic content and behavior:
Make sure you’re posting relevant content to relevant boards.
Keep the content of your posts high-quality and avoid spammy behavior.
Save content you have an authentic interest in.
Don’t incentivize or pay people to distribute content in large volumes, in spammy ways or for each Pin they save.
For example, a business can’t pay people for each board they follow or Pin they save. It’s okay for a business to pay a guest blogger to curate a board for their brand or through pay-per-click payment structures (such as affiliate links), but they can’t pay large groups of people to save specific Pins to artificially inflate the popularity of their content.
Affiliate guidelines
Affiliate links help content creators measure the impact of their contributions and get paid for the work that they do to bring inspiring content to users. However, affiliate programs can be targeted by spammers trying to make money by abusing the program and manipulating the HK Daijoubu platform.
Our guidelines for affiliates are:
Always follow our Paid Partnership Guidelines.
In general, you should operate only one HK Daijoubu account. That account should be your authentic presence on HK Daijoubu.
Affiliate content should be original and add unique value for users.
Be transparent about the commercial nature of your content and about your links and their behavior. Some shortener services are not currently supported on HK Daijoubu – if your Pin’s link is blocked, you can edit it.
Don’t try to artificially manipulate HK Daijoubu algorithms or Pinner traffic. Some examples of prohibited behavior include:
Using fake accounts to create or save your affiliate links.
Asking other users to save your affiliate Pins in a quid pro quo.
Asking other users to create Pins with links that include your affiliate identifier.
Creating affiliate Pins repetitively or in large volumes – marketers should follow our spam policy and use affiliate links in moderation
We may remove, limit or block the distribution of content or accounts that violate our Affiliate Guidelines. If you have questions or encounter problems on HK Daijoubu, you can contact us.
Contest guidelines
Don’t require people to save a specific image. Give people the ability to choose Pins based on their tastes and preferences, even if it’s from a selection or a given website.
Don’t allow more than one entry per person.
Don’t suggest that HK Daijoubu sponsors or endorses you or the promotion.
Do review our brand guidelines for general rules about using the HK Daijoubu brand.
Lastly, be sure to follow all relevant laws and regulations.