
後來更加發現店主其實是一位Q-grader (國際咖啡品質鑑定師),真的是臥虎藏龍。
再飲埋用上新鮮的椰子做成的gelato,加上espresso 的Affogato。椰子糖的甜度同espresso
頓時降服Rocha 杏仁糖,後段就變成甄沾記的椰子糖果口感。

Found this Japanese-styled coffee shop on Koh Samui. The owner is Japanese and also a Q-grader. Being able to drink high-quality syphon coffee on the island makes you satisfied! Coconut Affogato is even better!
It’s worth to drive the motorcycle for 20 minutes under the Sun.
HACHIYA coffee roastery:泰國 Surat Thani, Ko Samui District, Thesaban Nakhon Ko Samui
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